Secrets making you better

If you want to earn a living doing what you love.

6:22 PM
Posted by Admin

"Romantic Moment"

Be romantic and be yourself at the same time. Romance involves doing something to express affection in a meaningful yet unexpected way. Being romantic is the beautiful thing that we can be practiced every day, and it doesn't have to be expensive or grand.
In fact, sometimes the most romantic moments are simple. Many people associate the beginning of a relationship with romance, excitement and inspiration because everything is new. A secret way to reach the height of romance we need to be prepared to work at the relationship.
Why do so many people believe their work is done once they have found true love? Some of the most deeply passionate lovers still living happiness till their eighties. The true romance comes from within add up to a romance that never stops growing, never loses excitement, and always strengthens us, individually as well as collectively.
Romance is showing that we care or love someone, which in turn makes us feel in order to nourish our souls and warm our hearts. Get in touch with our inner romantic we have to staying true to ourselves while we’re falling in love and for staying truly in love once we’ve made a commitment to one special person.
Every love, like every life, is unique. We’ve got to be able to recognize an opportunity for love and romance when we come across one.

Being romantic means acknowledging how special a person is, and that means demonstrating that we knowing better than anyone else in the world that what makes them unique. As sometime surprising our lover by doing something we'd never normally do on our own, just because we know it'd make them happy. Romantic love is when the chemicals in our brain tweak in and we feel an emotional high, passion, and elation when we and our lover are together.
Focus on the little things. We all feel good all the time when we‘re become more romantic person. We’ve focused before on how romance is alive and well in millions of loving relationships around the world, in spite of our society’s tendency to trivialize romantic people.
And there are countless men and women out there who have decided to use romantic ideas like those highlighted here to improve their relationships and the world. Becoming a better, more romantic person is never impossible, regardless of our previous mistakes. Make it a habit to find a new way to be romantic every day.
Be creative and have fun with it! Simply decide to learn from our past and apply one simple new romantic idea to our relationship every day, and we will be amazed at the new, positive person that we can become!

2:25 AM
Posted by Admin

”Learn from your disappointments”

How do you deal with disappointments? One cannot have wisdom without living life. Because we are human and fallible, throwing ourselves enthusiastically into business of living naturally means that we will stumble and fall occasionally. Real people living real live make mistakes, experience failure and disappointments.
When you apply for a job on Monday and get fired on Tuesday! May be you just get a new car and it gets hit and run by someone on the road. Or your husband fell in love with your best friend and left you! When these things happen, you might ask questions like... “Why do I have so many problems?” “Why do bad things always happen to me?” “Why now?” “Why me?” And that can gets you in self-pity, losers, disappointed. While we feel sorry about ourselves we forget to think and never do anything to fix a problem. We become more upset and unhappy.
When things go poorly, You keep telling yourself, “It’s not my fault.” This is another excuse to do nothing if it’s not your fault. The good question to ask yourself is... “What are you going to do about it?” “What do I learn from this?” Do not blame yourself, if you believe that every event in your life has a purpose, you will learn from your disappointments. Do not delude yourself into thinking a bad situation is completely of your making. Remember every disaster in your life is not so much a “disaster” It makes more sense to deal with outcomes than with fault. We are not here to be punished. We are here to be educated.
Bad things happen occasionally. And usually we do not feel their effects on us forever. It is really true that time you get better and heal wounds. Your disappointments are important and sometime serious, but your distress will pass and your life will take you in new directions. Give yourself sometime, and then you go on...