"The Romantic Choices You Make"

About the romantic choices you make. If you feel energized, mentally clear, and more loving generally, you’re in a relationship with a future. Let your lover know what you feel. If you’re going to communicate anything, express what you feel about it defines who you are, If you pretend to be someone or something you’re not, you’ll never feel loved. Show the support and love that your lover needs. One person many find a suggestion or a helping hand useful or comforting to another person may find the same action intrusive. Not everyone likes to be touched in the same way, enjoys being affectionate in public, or responds the same way to receiving gifts. Let your heart guide you. Ehh...

Whether you are at home, in the workplace, or among friends, be the person who exudes optimism and you will find it reflected right back at you. Before you do anything in your life, you must first imagine it. Before you swing a golf club, you picture it in your imagination. To get out of your chair and walk across the room, you picture the action in your mind. You picture it, and your brain then has the pattern for you to get up and do it. When you imagine yourself performing and task, your brain cells undergo electrochemical changes as if you were actually doing it. That is why all the great golfers, actors and singers practice in their imagination. It is called ‘mental rehearsal’. Anything you want to do in your life, you must picture in your mind. The more often you picture it the stronger the patterning of your brain cells, and the easier it is to do it. You can do the same whether at the bus stop, lying in sofa, sitting on a car. You don’t achieve great things by looking at what you are. You achieve great things by looking at what you want to be and focus on what you want!
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