"Strive To Improve"

Set your sights on being generally satisfied and generally happy, not on expecting every aspect of life to be perfect. Complete satisfaction does not exist because everything can be improved upon. Those who accept this can appreciate what they have. Those who do not accept this can never appreciate what they have even as their circumstances improve. Strive to improve. Don't try to be perfect.

Golf is perhaps the most frustrating of all games. It seems so simple. A white ball-stationary, you swing a club, the ball flies, you walk to the ball, and you do it again. The problem with hitting a golf ball is that because it requires an almost infinite series of body contortions, club movements, and angles, it always results in less than perfect shot. If you listen to people who play golf for fun, you will hear them say, “Just let me get one birdie. Just one birdie and I will be happy." A birdie is the score you get when you hit the ball in hole in one less shot than it would take the average professional to do it. And do you know what happens when they get that first birdie? They say, "Just one more birdie." Every improvement in their game is inexorable followed by the demand for further improvement. Golf equipment makes know that players are so desperate they will try to buy their way to improvement. As one manufacturer explained, "You'll never run out of things to sell a golfer. Golfer would buy a swing if they could, especially if it would let them hit the ball straight and toward the target every time." But they can never, ever reach perfection. That's right, even professional golfer spend their entire careers hitting less than perfect shots. Then again, try to improve don't try to be perfect!

Don't be overprotective. None of us wants our loved ones to experience any harm, but we have to let them lead their lives. Spending our time worrying and trying to prevent them from doing what they want is real risk in itself and will keep us worrying all the time.

Don't easy to give up, don’t blame yourself, When things go poorly, we sometimes start a list of ways we failed, ways we caused the problem. This kind of thinking not only upset us, it also can keep us from being able to function. The truth is that any situation is the result of some things that are in your control and some things that are out of your control. Don't delude yourself into thinking bad situation is completely of your making. Remember, it makes more sense to deal with outcomes than with fault.

Surround yourself with pleasant aromas, Here a simple way to make yourself better. Air out your house, and add some fragrant flowers. Make your home smell nice, and you will feel the effects.

Breathing exercises. You might well ask: 'Why breathing exercises? Haven't i been breathing all my life?' Of course you have, but maybe not in a way to obtain the maximum benefit for your body. Did you know that the average person only uses one-fifth of his or her lung capacity? Stop breathing, and your life ends. You can exist for a few days without liquid and a few weeks without food, but without air you would only last a few minutes. The oxygen in air is the life source for your body, just think how wonderful you might feel if you used more of your lung capacity!

Get a good night sleep. Don't skimp on sleep. A full night's rest is fuel for the following day. Rested people feel they work better and more comfortable when the day is over. Sleep is such easy thing to trade away to TV, to work, to anything. Sleep seems like the bottomless bank account we can never overdraw. But a good night's sleep pays dividends in every aspect of our lives.
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