Secrets making you better

If you want to earn a living doing what you love.

11:25 AM
Posted by Admin

“Secrets making you better”

If you want to earn a living doing what you love. Being comfortable is overrated. Too much comfort gets boring. Hating things is a bad idea. While you hate something, you remain invisibly connected to it, so it will tend to hang around. Sometime we are forgotten and we not really thinking about what are hating and jealous means.

Jealousy is fear. Its thinking you are inferior to other people and fearing they agree with you. When we are jealous, we are scared. The only way to beat fear is to face it. Because we are always attracting the learning experiences we need, we often attract the experiences what we fear.

People do what they do, knowing what they know. Whatever you make them guilty makes no difference, except that it ruins your life. Guilt and blame is just stuff we are made up. Most of us spend more time thinking about what is wrong than what is right.
Secrets making you better. It’s easy to acceptance understanding why we are here?

Sometimes way in the world it’s already happens. We can’t change anything unless we accept it.
Secretly, each of us knows that there’s more to life. When does life get simpler? Answer its doesn’t! But you can learn to handle it better. We look at other people who, from a distance,

seem to be on easy street, but they’re dealing with their own problems...
Some reason life doesn’t get simpler it’s when things get too easy, we look for more problems. When the house is paid off, we start to buy a bigger one! And that we are being to get less of simpler life so on.

How many of us knowing learning to get enough with what we already have. To take it easy has to enjoy what you have. We don’t get everything that we want, but we should want most of everything what we get!

6:22 PM
Posted by Admin

"Romantic Moment"

Be romantic and be yourself at the same time. Romance involves doing something to express affection in a meaningful yet unexpected way. Being romantic is the beautiful thing that we can be practiced every day, and it doesn't have to be expensive or grand.
In fact, sometimes the most romantic moments are simple. Many people associate the beginning of a relationship with romance, excitement and inspiration because everything is new. A secret way to reach the height of romance we need to be prepared to work at the relationship.
Why do so many people believe their work is done once they have found true love? Some of the most deeply passionate lovers still living happiness till their eighties. The true romance comes from within add up to a romance that never stops growing, never loses excitement, and always strengthens us, individually as well as collectively.
Romance is showing that we care or love someone, which in turn makes us feel in order to nourish our souls and warm our hearts. Get in touch with our inner romantic we have to staying true to ourselves while we’re falling in love and for staying truly in love once we’ve made a commitment to one special person.
Every love, like every life, is unique. We’ve got to be able to recognize an opportunity for love and romance when we come across one.

Being romantic means acknowledging how special a person is, and that means demonstrating that we knowing better than anyone else in the world that what makes them unique. As sometime surprising our lover by doing something we'd never normally do on our own, just because we know it'd make them happy. Romantic love is when the chemicals in our brain tweak in and we feel an emotional high, passion, and elation when we and our lover are together.
Focus on the little things. We all feel good all the time when we‘re become more romantic person. We’ve focused before on how romance is alive and well in millions of loving relationships around the world, in spite of our society’s tendency to trivialize romantic people.
And there are countless men and women out there who have decided to use romantic ideas like those highlighted here to improve their relationships and the world. Becoming a better, more romantic person is never impossible, regardless of our previous mistakes. Make it a habit to find a new way to be romantic every day.
Be creative and have fun with it! Simply decide to learn from our past and apply one simple new romantic idea to our relationship every day, and we will be amazed at the new, positive person that we can become!

2:25 AM
Posted by Admin

”Learn from your disappointments”

How do you deal with disappointments? One cannot have wisdom without living life. Because we are human and fallible, throwing ourselves enthusiastically into business of living naturally means that we will stumble and fall occasionally. Real people living real live make mistakes, experience failure and disappointments.
When you apply for a job on Monday and get fired on Tuesday! May be you just get a new car and it gets hit and run by someone on the road. Or your husband fell in love with your best friend and left you! When these things happen, you might ask questions like... “Why do I have so many problems?” “Why do bad things always happen to me?” “Why now?” “Why me?” And that can gets you in self-pity, losers, disappointed. While we feel sorry about ourselves we forget to think and never do anything to fix a problem. We become more upset and unhappy.
When things go poorly, You keep telling yourself, “It’s not my fault.” This is another excuse to do nothing if it’s not your fault. The good question to ask yourself is... “What are you going to do about it?” “What do I learn from this?” Do not blame yourself, if you believe that every event in your life has a purpose, you will learn from your disappointments. Do not delude yourself into thinking a bad situation is completely of your making. Remember every disaster in your life is not so much a “disaster” It makes more sense to deal with outcomes than with fault. We are not here to be punished. We are here to be educated.
Bad things happen occasionally. And usually we do not feel their effects on us forever. It is really true that time you get better and heal wounds. Your disappointments are important and sometime serious, but your distress will pass and your life will take you in new directions. Give yourself sometime, and then you go on...

10:02 AM
Posted by Admin

"Secrets Ways of Thinking About Success"

A secrets new ways of thinking about success. A thousand of stories we have heard about successful people and we just want to know why they are so successful in life? We want to have that success and want to learn from them! As well as demonstrating how ordinary people can make dramatic changes to their lives.
A simple secret is to enjoy the ordinary. We know most days will be regular days. Our lives will include some highlight days that stay with us forever, like family celebrations or personal triumphs, but almost every day this year will be a regular day, with nothing particularly astounding about it.
Yet within these regular days are many opportunities for enjoyment, many of which we don’t even think about or really appreciate. Take a moment every day to think about simple pleasures of our daily life.
Too many people choose goal based on what others think. Instead, think about what we really care about, meaningful success to accomplish what matters to us.

Make decisions and take action, Nothing kills progress or deadens enthusiasm more than someone who talk but never follows through.
It is crucial in both our home life and our work life that we stay focused and committed to whatever we have say we do! And we take action! Right action, we take our words then make a good decision. Either way it’s always better than making no decisions and taking no action at all.
No fear to try, remember fear is the thing that still not happens right now. Focus on what we do well, and practice. When we engage our strengths, we are invariably refined and improve them.
We have to have a purpose. Without a purpose nothing matters. People who have no purpose and no meaning in life are boring! Successful and interesting people are going places. They are excited.
It’s possible for us to spend our life doing nothing and going nowhere. But we bore ourselves and everybody who spending time around us to death! To set ourselves goals should be aligned with one another. For example, the fours of our car have to be properly aligned, if one of tire pointed in different direction from others and the car won’t work. Our goals are just like that. They are must be pointed in the same direction. If our goals conflict with one another, our life may not success.

5:45 PM
Posted by Admin

”Forgiveness is a gift”

Forgiveness is the key to peace. Forgiveness is letting go. Learning to forgive is a process. It begins with realizing that you are in charge of your own emotions. You have no control over what anybody else does, but you can choose how to react. Uncontrolled anger, if you have this with you, just like you are having a nuclear reactor inside your body. Maybe you often get angry and say words that hurt others. Certainly you don't feel good with that.
The same thing happens when you try to "forget" a negative situation that has an emotional charge to it. No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to do it. You think you've forgotten but it's come back up in other ways.
Sometime you think of it as letting go of the stranglehold you have on a person whose actions that you could not control. Hating, angry, it’s something you can’t change because it’s already happened. You could be waiting for an apology. Knowing sometime will not be happen but you can control your emotions.
What you’re really wanting is for this thing, whatever it was, to have never happened. You want it to go away. You can’t change what happened, but you can change your reaction, you can allow it to go away. You can let go. You can forgive.
It is to relax your hold, to cut the energetic ties that hold you locked into the original act. Not only do you release the other, you release yourself. This doesn’t mean that what was done is OK or even acceptable. The letting go is not easy, it’s hardest things to do than holding onto your heart. Some people told you when you forgive and you will forget! Whatever it is, you have wrestled it to the ground and you’re holding on for lifetime, indeed. It’s your life that you are choking. Then you should know better to forget it!
To take control of your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts and completely turned it around, do what you know that you need to do to begin letting go of what you have been holding onto. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. Forgiveness has taken place when you can honestly seek well for the other person. It is when you make an effort to restore a relationship rather than avoid the relationship.

10:47 AM
Posted by Admin

"Changing your life"

We play many different roles in life, from being a baby to a child at school, to a teenager in collage, and a young adult in the workforce, a lover, a parent, a grandparent, some are retiree. Every day in our life changing by time travel and never stop, sometimes days fly by without anything standing out in our mind any tangible improvement. Everyday make sure, no matter how small the effort, that we do something to make our dreams come true. We need new and exciting adventures to look forward to not necessarily major life events, but events with enough uncertainty and risk taking to tingling the nerve endings from time to time. We know that human need novelty in their lives. The most of us do love to have new experiences add to our life which assists us in remaining challenged rather than bored and drowsy. People who have novelty in their lives are generally far more interesting and positive to be around.

A journey of our life whatever how far we can go always begins with a single step. But sometime that same journey is vastly easier to make if the scenery changes. Change has become the one constant in our living today. Some people have changed careers, some have changed lifestyles, and some experienced changes in their partnership. If we keep moving and see different surroundings, we know that we are making progress. If we cannot see the progress we are making, if every step seems to leave us in the same place, then we will have trouble believing that we are moving forward.

Everyone adapts to life change differently. We can make dramatic changes to our lives, and preparing ourselves for changes in life it is essential that we make sure we develop an ownership mentality towards whatever has happened, or is about to happen, The reverse of this situation sometime a mistake. When we are made a mistake role we blame others for why life is not the way we would like it to be. And why things not working out the way we would like them to. Every day in our life we have to see the progress. Always ask ourselves, did we accomplish today? If we do have an answer, if we can see the progress we have made in our journey, then we had valuable day a good and pleasant day.

9:24 PM
Posted by Admin

"Understanding yourself"

Understanding yourself, and to develop yourself confidence. Always asking what do you want in life? For some people success is simple, they just ask for it. And they keep on asking!! They succeed because they want it more than anybody else. To get what you want out of life, do as so many successful people do, ask for it, and follow up to be sure it happens for you. Rather than denying or shying away from your flaws, you could help yourself better by accepting them and working, on them if possible. Build an honest and wholesome picture of yourself. To understanding yourself is to accept that you exist. Each one of us is unique and worthwhile, in our own special ways. We matter to our close associates and family, and we have a say in everything we do. Begin with understanding the need to understanding yourself. You are very important both for yourself and to others... and you have to make your life worthwhile for yourself as well as others. Your feelings tell you what you really care about, and so, there's no right or wrong. Events and situations trigger feelings, but it seems the brain has little control of when a feeling will develop or what it will be. You do get to figure out what your feelings are telling you. When you decide how important a situation is to you, you may have a different feeling about it the next time it occurs.

Excellence is inspired intuitive by confidence thinking is really the mastery of one's mind. To understanding yourself is to know how you will behave and react to situations, pleasant and unpleasant. Improve your relationships by better understanding yourself, your friends, and family. You need to have control over your thoughts just how you feel about yourself inspired, or creating, a positive vision of where you want to go, what you want to be. Your success will follow your actions, the right actions-if you understand yourself, and you will have an inner sense on how to react to challenges and rewards. What do you want from your life? In trying to understand yourself as much as you appreciate your strengths you also need to recognize your weaknesses. Getting what you want in life, knowing why you do the things you do. Understanding yourself leads you to accept yourself the way you are, and in turn makes you a very happy person. If you’re still worried about heading in the wrong direction, you’ve got to remember that even action in the wrong direction is helpful. It’s really true. Even when you do the wrong things, it’s OK to be wrong and that you will learn from mistakes, failure is not an end. Failure is a beginning. You are moving forward to learning all the way and you won’t make those mistakes again. Getting what you want in life!! And taking time to think about what they mean helps you make good decisions. Once you understand yourself, you can always work to be better with yourself.

10:26 AM
Posted by Admin

"Lasting Love"

When you love someone, you don’t make them do thing they don’t want to do. We are not delighted by the discoveries we make about the person we love, but when it comes to emotions it’s necessary to accept them all. Being in love doesn’t mean never feeling angry, disappointed, hurt, or jealous. Many couples have missed out, countless relationship have been ruined by blame. Shame things will not happen if you try to learn more from your lover and get on with your happy life together. Respect all the feeling you have for each other. Keep the laughter in your love life. A big part of your acceptance comes from laughter! Lovers who can’t laugh together about themselves probably are not very accepting of their relationship and not be able to tolerate for each other. Keep improving your relationship and be open to a relationship’s most pleasant surprises. Pay attention to how you feel when your lover is not around. Let your lover know what you feel. Show the support and love that your lover needs. It’s so beautiful to be love, in love and when you have got love just keep them lastingly.

6:29 AM
Posted by Admin

"Take Care Of Yourself"

Take care of yourself, if you hope to take care of anyone else. You have to take care of your body so your body can take care of you and take you where you want to go, who you want to take good care of. It is important to take time to perform relaxation or restorative by doing some exercises and keep continue doing it! Make the right decision choose the right way to do exercises and simple relaxation at the first start. There are a few simple things anyone can do which automatically produce relaxation in your mind and body. First, find yourself a comfortable position in a chair and close your eyes. Uncross your arms and legs. And then take some deep breaths. Breathe in as you slowly count from 1 to 5. Then breathe out as you slowly count down from 5 to 1. Do this about ten or fifteen times you want. Clear your mind of all extraneous thoughts. Releasing your thoughts with each exhalation. Make sure that you let go of as much air as you inhaled. And other easy way to exercise, take a vigorous walk, turn on some music, and dance or exercise. You can also ground yourself by making contact with the earth. Take a walk in the woods or dig in the garden. Try to practice the exercise at a time of day. You will feel good about yourself. Feeling good is something you're creating when certain things happen, why not just drop the whole condition thing and feel good all the time? The more demanding of your time your family is, the more you need to fit in exercise. You and your family can seek out ways to exercise together.

9:18 AM
Posted by Admin

"Spending Our Time Wisely"

Keep reading. Reading has almost become a lost art, along with letter writing, the solid thick book! People do not like to read anymore. Do you know? Those who read books benefit from what they learn and the entertainment they receive. But in addition, they get to exercise their brain, and when we do that, we feel satisfied that we are spending our time wisely. Reading engages the mind. Reading materials, by exercising our memory and imagination, can contribute to happiness in ways similar to active positive thinking. Regular readers are more likely to express daily satisfaction.

Learn the mind game. And you will discover that golf is the best meditation in the world. Focus on your swing and hitting off the tee and you could well be doomed to a golfing life of frustration and torment. Looking after your body and making sure it is in shape not only gets you to perform better on the course, it also ensures you that you can enjoy golf even well into your years. Keeping your body and mind in excellent shape is a key element to becoming a good golf player. If you want to play consistent golf then you need to think and do things consistently. Your pre shot routine starts from the moment you start looking at your target and making your decisions. Once your decisions are made then you need to relax and go through your physical routine of aligning to your target and set yourself up to play to that target. This is the heart and soul of golfing skill and good, consistent golf.

Listen to music. Music communicates to us on many different levels, and our favorite music tends to transport our mind to its favorite place. Do you know what happened when professor played Mozart to their classes while the students worked on series of tests? The students did better. Why? Because scientists have found that music stimulates our brain. After our brain waves are set to music, each person is given a specific listening schedule, personalized to their work environment and needs. If used properly, the music can boost productivity and energy levels, or trigger a body's natural responses to stress. Responses to music are easy to be detected in the human body. Classical music from the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. As the body becomes relaxed and alert, the mind is able to concentrate more easily. Music excites our mind, whether what number of age we are.

8:42 AM
Posted by Admin

"Experience The Wonders"

Life is never ending learning process. There is no end to knowledge. Experience the wonders of technology and of the world. The internet has changed the world that we knew it today. Today we can get all information that we want and whenever we want too. Internets help bring people together and nowhere are that more important than for people who are constantly being moved a part. Access to internet, connecting, sending e-mails even instant messages are becoming crucial to military families who often have to live apart from one another and who even more regularly must settle in new communities apart from their friends and their loved one. Knowledge keeps us moving and pushes is forward to help advance civilization. Learn more about secrets excellence of life, open up your creative mind to start down the road of knowledge.

Sometimewhen you look at some people who have all the luck! Whatever they did they are always success, and some of them have a great job. They make good money. You also need a great job to make some money and only work you can find is a waiter/waitress in small restaurant. You always ask yourself ‘why I want to work here its hard working and earn only small money for nothing?’ If a waiter/waitress is the only job can you find for this moment, go for it! Sometime people can make mistake of being to selective. We might reject an opportunity, or reasoning that you might think your job is not quite right job what you want! But if it is all you’ve got for the moment, just do your best, grab it, master it, and let it lead you from one thing to another. If you have nothing big going for you, start small. You progress in life by improve your skills, being seen by the right people. If you go for it your chances are different you will get confidence that you didn’t have before. And someone will notice you or someone will promote you. That you are a good worker! Someone who likes your hard working will ask you to go and work with them and they’ll pay you twice! No experience is wasted, Start anywhere you can, do your good work, give your best shot to whatever is in front of you, and opportunity will begin to find you, let start from now and lead to success.

11:45 PM
Posted by Admin

"Keep Your Promises"

How often and how many times do your friends tell you things like he or she will help you or she /he will call you or will pay you back the money they owe you then finally they don’t ! How do you feel about friends like that? You lose respect for them. You don’t trust them. If you want other people to respect you, keep your promises. Avoid making commitment you don’t intend to keep. If someone asks you to do something, and you don’t want to do it, just tell them “Not this time but if I change my mind, I will let you know” This strategy keeps you from getting into awkward situations. It makes life simpler and saves you embarrassment. When you are careful about your promises your friends, your family and anyone begin to trust you. The bonus is that you begin to believe in yourself. Successful people don’t take themselves too seriously but they take their word very seriously.

When you look at a restaurant bill, you can eye the total due or you can focus on each item listed. Life is the same way. Some people like the big picture, and some like the details. You can think in terms of the totality of what you have accomplished, or you can think in terms of the momentary episode of your life. Adopt the focus that makes you feel more satisfied. If you thinking about things turned out all right! even though there were bumps in the road, think big picture. If you are not sure how it will turn out you know that your life has been marked with moments of great happiness and treasure, then focus on the details.

Every day leave yourself some time to enjoy, to be silly, to laugh, to happy. Watch children running around in the ground in the playground and you will soon be thinking, "They are having so much fun." Why are they having so much fun? The better question is, why aren't you having fun? Children run around and play as if by instinct. They do not question whether they should have fun. They just go out and do it. Adults have responsibilities, we are serious. Ask one of your friends to do something fun with you, and you might hear, “I don't have time for that." Imagine a child being asked if she wanted to go to the zoo and answering, "I'll have to get back to you or I'm really swamped right now." Sometimes children know better than we do. Having a little fun, a time a time for pure silliness and happiness, is an essential part of every day....

8:33 PM
Posted by Admin

"The Romantic Choices You Make"

About the romantic choices you make. If you feel energized, mentally clear, and more loving generally, you’re in a relationship with a future. Let your lover know what you feel. If you’re going to communicate anything, express what you feel about it defines who you are, If you pretend to be someone or something you’re not, you’ll never feel loved. Show the support and love that your lover needs. One person many find a suggestion or a helping hand useful or comforting to another person may find the same action intrusive. Not everyone likes to be touched in the same way, enjoys being affectionate in public, or responds the same way to receiving gifts. Let your heart guide you. Ehh...

Whether you are at home, in the workplace, or among friends, be the person who exudes optimism and you will find it reflected right back at you. Before you do anything in your life, you must first imagine it. Before you swing a golf club, you picture it in your imagination. To get out of your chair and walk across the room, you picture the action in your mind. You picture it, and your brain then has the pattern for you to get up and do it. When you imagine yourself performing and task, your brain cells undergo electrochemical changes as if you were actually doing it. That is why all the great golfers, actors and singers practice in their imagination. It is called ‘mental rehearsal’. Anything you want to do in your life, you must picture in your mind. The more often you picture it the stronger the patterning of your brain cells, and the easier it is to do it. You can do the same whether at the bus stop, lying in sofa, sitting on a car. You don’t achieve great things by looking at what you are. You achieve great things by looking at what you want to be and focus on what you want!

11:18 AM
Posted by Admin

"Strive To Improve"

Set your sights on being generally satisfied and generally happy, not on expecting every aspect of life to be perfect. Complete satisfaction does not exist because everything can be improved upon. Those who accept this can appreciate what they have. Those who do not accept this can never appreciate what they have even as their circumstances improve. Strive to improve. Don't try to be perfect.

Golf is perhaps the most frustrating of all games. It seems so simple. A white ball-stationary, you swing a club, the ball flies, you walk to the ball, and you do it again. The problem with hitting a golf ball is that because it requires an almost infinite series of body contortions, club movements, and angles, it always results in less than perfect shot. If you listen to people who play golf for fun, you will hear them say, “Just let me get one birdie. Just one birdie and I will be happy." A birdie is the score you get when you hit the ball in hole in one less shot than it would take the average professional to do it. And do you know what happens when they get that first birdie? They say, "Just one more birdie." Every improvement in their game is inexorable followed by the demand for further improvement. Golf equipment makes know that players are so desperate they will try to buy their way to improvement. As one manufacturer explained, "You'll never run out of things to sell a golfer. Golfer would buy a swing if they could, especially if it would let them hit the ball straight and toward the target every time." But they can never, ever reach perfection. That's right, even professional golfer spend their entire careers hitting less than perfect shots. Then again, try to improve don't try to be perfect!

Don't be overprotective. None of us wants our loved ones to experience any harm, but we have to let them lead their lives. Spending our time worrying and trying to prevent them from doing what they want is real risk in itself and will keep us worrying all the time.

Don't easy to give up, don’t blame yourself, When things go poorly, we sometimes start a list of ways we failed, ways we caused the problem. This kind of thinking not only upset us, it also can keep us from being able to function. The truth is that any situation is the result of some things that are in your control and some things that are out of your control. Don't delude yourself into thinking bad situation is completely of your making. Remember, it makes more sense to deal with outcomes than with fault.

Surround yourself with pleasant aromas, Here a simple way to make yourself better. Air out your house, and add some fragrant flowers. Make your home smell nice, and you will feel the effects.

Breathing exercises. You might well ask: 'Why breathing exercises? Haven't i been breathing all my life?' Of course you have, but maybe not in a way to obtain the maximum benefit for your body. Did you know that the average person only uses one-fifth of his or her lung capacity? Stop breathing, and your life ends. You can exist for a few days without liquid and a few weeks without food, but without air you would only last a few minutes. The oxygen in air is the life source for your body, just think how wonderful you might feel if you used more of your lung capacity!

Get a good night sleep. Don't skimp on sleep. A full night's rest is fuel for the following day. Rested people feel they work better and more comfortable when the day is over. Sleep is such easy thing to trade away to TV, to work, to anything. Sleep seems like the bottomless bank account we can never overdraw. But a good night's sleep pays dividends in every aspect of our lives.